English Conversation B2
Do you have a basic command of the English language? Do you fear that if you don't use it, you might lose it? Well, this might be just the class you are looking for.
We learn to cope with some of the most common difficulties German students have with English grammar, pronunciation and expressions, but we mainly focus on conversation.
Interesting, controversial and current topics inspire the students to take part in lively discussions to achieve more confidence and fluency in English. Curious? Feel free to look in.
Kursnr.: X406A454
Beginn: Do., 20.02.2025, 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
Dauer: 10
Kursort: Bürgertreff Flein
Gebühr: 120,00 €
Ilsfelder Str. 16
74223 Flein
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